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Monday, November 4, 2019

False Cognates/ False friends

     By definition, cognates are words having the same languistic ancestral. Cognates can be very helpful while learning a foreign language.
All along the long but exciting process of your learning English as a second language, you will notice that emphasis will be put on acquiring a great deal of vocabulary, which Is really necessary for your progress. This also will help develop your speaking skills, enhance your pronunciation, and get in-depth conversational abilities.
Your teacher will use a great variety of technics or approaches to help you to successfully reach your goals.
Nevertheless, you should be aware of a tricky issue you will have to face on the way. we call it : " False cognate ".
False cognates are words in English which can be confused with another word in the native language of a learner due to  similarities in spelling. We also call some of them "false friends". Here Is a short list for Spanish-spoken learners :
* alienist/aliento
* traduce/traduce
* success/suceso
* actually/actualmente
* suburb/suburbio
* exit/ exito
* eventual/eventual
* casualty/casualidad
* assist/asistir
* doze/doce
* attend/ atender


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