You look very fit! Are you currently on a diet? During the last 20 years, this question has become very trendy even more than anything else. Easthetic and elegance go along with fitness, as well as chic and fashion go with style today. As a matter of fact, we should admit that our day-to-day lifestyle is far cry from 20 years ago in many aspects.
Gyms with the latest cry equipment have been offering a High quality service to the community to help us keep up with the challenge of being fit. In some countries such as United States, France, Germany, and Switzerland people consider eating healthily and doing exercice, on a regular basis, as sacred to follow like a ritual; It seems like everyone has just gotten a wake-up call, which no doubt raises eyebrow.
The shelves of the supermarkets exhibit a great veriety of low-fat products, nuts, and carbohydrates more than ever before. Many more people cut down on foods like red meat, pasta or flour. Some reduce the consumption of café, soda, sugar, and cow milk. In return, fruit and vegetables are on the top of their grocery list.
Nutritionists have a more predominant role in our society today . More and more patients appear on their agenda . Parents take their obese children to the clínic in order to avoid a heart attack or a lethal vascular inccident due to a high level of cholesterol. Prevention Is better than cure, they claimed "loud and clear". According to experts, most of the diseases or ailments we suffer now, such as diabetes, hypertension, hypotension, backache, migrane, and insomnia, to mention only a few, point to a certain level of tress people have unconsciously been through at schools, colleges or at work.
The things is, our level of stress today increases exponentially due to some factors, which by default are part of our modern society trends : The traffic jam, the rat race, the unfair competition in a work place , the endless struggle of keeping up with the Joneses, bullying in the schools, irrational amount of homework from teachers, are some of the factors that usually generate stress in our everyday lives. Stress behaves exactly like fire ; both serve us faithfully and generously whenever we keep them undercontrol ; however, both might be fatal for mankind when they are out of control.
How can we reduce our stress? We are sometimes the auther of our own misfortune. What's the point of checking the time over and over when you get stuck in a traffic jam? It's a fact of life and there's nothing you can do about it.By checking your watch every second, you're hurting yourself managing unnecessary pressure, flogging a dead horse. The best attitude Is to let it go and relax. Take the appropriate course of actions: Call the office to notify your delay. Think about a good strategy to compensate it.
In conclusion, a good diet goes hand in hand with regular physical exercice. More importantly, it requires discipline, perseverance, and a positive attitude to get and remain fit.
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