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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Beware of your cellphone

      Beware of Your Cellphone !!!

     The screen of your Cellphone might turn out to be a tremendous vector of the worst bacteria ever.
It Is considered the most useful and practical gadget of the Century. No wonder why 31% of Americans would feel anxiety when separated from their cellphones . As a matter of fact , by the end of 2019 the number of mobile users Is forecast to reach 4.68 billion. These are the number of people at risk of being contaminated by the bacteria above mentioned. It Is not a secret that mobile users usually carry their cellphones in the bathroom where the bacteria live, grow, develop, and spread.
The Most common types of these bacteria, found in any bathroom,  are : E, coli, Salmonella, Bacteroidaceae, or bacteria from the poo, and streptococcus.

Whenever you carry your phone to the bathroom, you expose yourself to catch one of these bacteria through touching your mobile screen without washing your hands with soap and water.

                      Frederick Pierre


Anonymous said...

Unconscious people are in everywhere. How can we avoid those kind of person? We can't! But we might teach them. We live and shared with them. I think we may help them.

Anonymous said...

We should accept and take the advice to protect us of any bacteria of our phone.the important is taking care of our health.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for previously massege, for other topic, was for other topic

Plurivision2020 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Plurivision2020 said...

You're absolutely right. Bacteria are here and there. They are harmful. Unless you take actions, they will affect your health through the screen of your cellphones.